Long Beach 

Science Research

Why is research a valuable experience

Research experience can: 

“Research is the lifeblood of our institution, and it's a good way to connect our faculty and students,” says Hank Dobin, associate dean of the college at Princeton University. 

ABOUT Our Science Research Program 

Long Beach offers a unique elite program providing highly motivated students the opportunity to perform authentic scientific research as part of their middle and high school experience. Research begins in the middle school where students are introduced to essential skill building, data collection, scientific writing, technology program learning and laboratory techniques. 

Students can partake in the high school research program beginning in grade 9. Students will begin by identify their topic of research through a in-depth literature review, seeking gaps in current literature. Students then carry out semi-guided experiments using state of the art technology and authentic data collection. 

Researchers moving into grade 11 and 12 are required to seek out mentorships and/or engage in summer programs to gain experience in labs. Students will continue to present their work alongside other Long Island schools. At a symposium, researchers are provided with an opportunity to present, network, and communicate with a wider scientific community, including scientists and college affiliated judges. 

Dedicated students in our Research Program prepare for participation in ISEF affiliated fairs such as LISEF and NYSSEF. In order to obtain an invitation to the ISEF competition, the research students are working to answer a novel question in the scientific community and usually requires the use of a mentor. 

As a senior, researchers will have an opportunity to apply to Regeneron STS which is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science research competition for high school students. Placing at this competition provides an important forum for original research that is recognized and reviewed by a national jury of professional scientists.

All Science Research courses are considered Honors Level, and as such the final course grade will receive 1.05 weighting

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Local Fairs

National Fair

International Fair

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